Guide to Building A Play Area Using Mulch

If you have a large garden and you have young children, it can be a great idea to create a safe play area for them using mulch. A mulched play area can help to save your lawn from becoming irreparably damaged and also means that your kids can have friends round to play, without you having to take them to the park. Create a mulched play area Before you order your mulch from a local mulch supplier, choose a suitable site in your backyard in which to site the play area.

Monumental Stones: Important Cleaning Guidelines for Better Performance

In general, monumental stones are highly durable because they are made from hardwearing materials. The common materials utilised include marble, granite and slate. These can withstand adverse outdoor conditions without degradation, so they will provide long-term service. Unfortunately, the stones are not infallible; negligence will result in the loss of aesthetics and even accelerated failure. Therefore, if you would like to improve performance and promote longevity, you should be diligent in carrying out upkeep tasks.