
All You Need to Know About Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass is one of the best warm-season grasses. It is known to provide a healthy lawn that needs little maintenance. In the extract below, you will learn how to plant and maintain buffalo turf.  Choosing Turf Traditionally, buffalo turf was known to have sharp and coarse leaves. However, most grasses today have soft leaves to ensure your kids and pets can play on the lawn. Most people are often conflicted on whether to plant seed or sod.

Benefits of Artificial Turf for Residential Lawns

Many homeowners think about replacing their current natural turf with an artificial option to cut down on maintenance. Though this is one of the major benefits to having this type of turf installation, there are other benefits that you might want to consider first. In fact, many of the benefits may let you know if the choice of artificial or synthetic grass is right for your home and your landscaping needs.

Landscaping Supplies — Qualities to Look For When Purchasing Top Soil

For most people, landscape supplies are used for the additions that you purchase to enhance the appeal of your yard. These could include rocks, water features, exotic plants and so on. However, nothing can thrive on your property if your yard does not have healthy and nutritional topsoil. Considering how drought-stricken numerous parts of Australia have become, it could be in your best interests to purchase topsoil for your property to give your yard a new lease on life.

Important Questions to Ask When Getting a Well or Bore Drilled on Your Property

A well or water bore on your property can be a great way to access the water you need for your lawn, landscaping, garden, farm, or livestock. It can also be good to have a well or bore on the property in case your city-supplied water is cut off for any reason. If you're thinking of having a well or bore drilled on your property, note a few important questions to ask the drilling company so you know the work gets done properly and you are able to access that water in the bore once it's drilled.

5 Reasons Why Buffalo Turf Is the Perfect Choice for Your Garden if You Have Kids and Pets

A good sized lawn area is an important feature for most Australian homeowners. This is especially true if you have children and pets that spend a lot of their time in the garden playing. If you're planning to lay turf in your garden, then you may be wondering which variety is the best choice for the heavy-duty wear and tear that your kids and pets will put your lawn through. Buffalo turf has many positive features that make it a great choice, and here are five of them.